1. Detailed planning (1/2000) of Bo Bo eco-tourism resort:
- Planning Area: 215 ha
- The functional areas of the resort:
+ Zone A: Zone center: 7.5 ha, consists of:
* House reception - Office, cafeterria - bar;
* Hotel accommodation;
* Area performance - Outdoor café;
* The large pool;
* Artificial Moutain;
* Resort huts - sightseeing;
* Car parking;
* Lake landscape;
* Physiotherapy Zone.
+ Zone B: Residential Zone: 10.11 ha * Children's play area;
* Single / Double Holiday house;
* Pavilions;
* Restaurant - Services.
+ Zone C: Center Lake: 19.5 ha.
+ Zone D: Residential Tourism: 3.95 ha.
* Model of Citizen House;
* Souvenir – Rest Stop.
+ Zone E: Victory Monument Zone: 2 ha
+ Zone F: Campground: 7.28 ha.
* Reception - Refreshment - Fastfood – Other Services.
+ Zone G: Sports area - Entertainment: 16.50 ha.
* Reception - Refreshment – Clothing area;
* Serving the mountainous game
* Thuy Ta Restaurant;
* Sport shooting;
* Pavilions;
* Fishing lodges;
* Aquarium;
* House reception - Restaurant - Café;
* Swimming pool;
* Center Hut; * Rest Hut; * Sports area;
* Central Lake at Zone G.
+ Zone H: Folk games Zone: 5.26 ha.
* Executive House reception; * Restaurant - Serving;
* Chicken campus; * Horse Rental; * Birds - Animal – Plants Garden