Attending the ceremony were Dr. Duong Bich Hanh - the head of section Culture department of UNESCO Office in Ha Noi; Mrs Nguyen Thi Huyen Programme Coordinator from ILO; Mr Duong Chi Thao, Coordinator from Central New Rural Program; Mr Mai Dinh Loi, Deputy Chief of Standing Office for the New Rural Program of Quang Nam; Mr Cao Thanh Tan, Vice Chairman of Dien Ban District People`s Committee; representatives of departments in the district; representatives of Dien Phuong commune People’s Committee leaders and large numbers of Tiem Tay people.
The competition of "green hedge" and initiative "family’s picture corner" is one of the activities of the project of community tourism village in Triem Tay. The aim of this activity is to connect people and nature through the trees and to contribute to improvement village street in green direction and rehabilitating living space in each family. The first round had more a half of households (70 plus households) in response to the competition.
Speaking at the ceremony, the delegates of Central, Province, District recognized that building green hedges and family's picture corners went beyond a competition. This competition is useful for both households will win and households will not win. Hopefully, after 6 months joining the competition, Triem Tay will remain green hedges, family's picture corners so countryside landscape is becoming more and more spacious and beautiful.
In the launch ceremony, the officer of Dien Ban Department of Agriculture and Rural Development professional adviced for local people about methods of choosing plants in conformity with Triem Tay soil and methods of caring, trimming to have green beautiful hedges with their utility.