Bo Mung cluster is located in Dien Thang Bac commune with area of 5.7285 ha. Industries are oriented to locate in Bo Mung cluster include: Commerce and service, warehouse, car maintenance and automotive business, bamboo and rattan, crafts and industries are suitable for the material area and conditions, advantages of the local, less polluting the environment.
Trang Nhat 1 is located in Dien Thang Trung and Dien Thang Nam with an area of 52.47 ha. Professions are oriented to locate in Bo Mung cluster include: power industry, electronics industry, mechanical industry; construction materials production , agricultural and forestry products processing, textile, garment, footwear and other industries which are suited to the conditions, advantages of the local.
Trang Nhat 2 cluster is located in Dien Hoa Commune with an area of 25.37 ha. Professions are oriented to locate in Trang Nhat 2 cluster including: garment industry, agricultural and forestry products processing, consumer goods production, medical devices production, other industries suited to the conditions and advantages of the local.
Thuong Tin cluster is located in Dien Nam Dong ward with an area of 39,73 ha. Professions oriented to locate in Thong Tin cluster are power industry, electronics industry, mechanical industry; construction materials production , agricultural and forestry products processing, textile, garment, footwear, clean industry, less environmental pollution and other industries are suitable to conditions and advantages of the local.
Nam Duong cluster is located in Dien Nam Dong and Dien Duong ward with an area of 46,18 ha. Professions oriented to locate in Nam Duong cluster are mechanical industry, agricultural and forestry products processing, garment industry, handicrafts, clean industry, less environmental pollution and other industries are suitable to conditions and advantages of the local.
Cam Son cluster is located in Dien Tien commune with an area of 26,93 ha. Professions oriented to locate in Cam Son cluster are mechanical industry, agricultural and forestry products processing, garment industry, construction materials production, clean industry, less environmental pollution and other industries are suitable to conditions and advantages of the local.
An Luu cluster is located in Dien Nam Dong ward with an area of 48,90 ha. Professions oriented to locate in An Luu cluster are mechanical industry, agricultural and forestry products processing, garment industry, handicrafts, clean industry, less environmental pollution and other industries are suitable to conditions and advantages of the local.
Industrial clusters mentioned above are organized and operate under the provisions of the Decision of the Prime Minister No 105/2009 / QD-TTg, dated 19/8/2009, the Circular No. 39/2009 / TT-BCT dated 28 / 12/2009 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Decision No 06/2012 / QD-Committee dated 17/4/2012 of Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee about issuing regulations on management and investment incentives in clusters in Quang Nam and other provisions of existing law.
Quang Nam provincial People's Committee has put the Center for Developing Industrial Complex, Commerce and Services of Dien Ban town on being Investment owner in building infrastructure of industrial clusters. Investment Funds come exclusively from the state budget, loans from organizations and individuals have participated in cluster construction investment. Additionally, Quang Nam provincial People's Committee has put Dien Ban Town People's Committee on adjusting detailed planning to the needs of scale of industrial clusters such as TRang Nhat 1, Trang Nhat 2, Nam Duong, Cam Son.